Saturday 29 March 2008


Do you read your Horoscopes? I do every hubby laughs because most days I'll shout "I know someone with a name that begins with the letter D" or agree with any other random statement! So when my morning paper came through the door today I eventually reached the Horoscope section...found my star sign and started to read. Have you ever had De ja vu? I did today for as I was reading today's predictions I was slightly confused for I had heard this before..yesterday to be more exact. Have a read yourselves...
Sat 29th March
Your ruling light the moon shines on your partnership chart and you could discover who has love plans for you. You have peace-making skills and can get two people you care about talking to each other again. Linking with a Virgo relative can have a lucky outcome.
Fri 28th March
Your ruling light the moon lights your partnership chart and you could discover who has big love plans for you. Your peace-making skills can get two people who you care about to talk to each other again. Linking up with a Virgo relative can have a lucky outcome for both of you.

Can you see what I mean and every other horoscope was the same...the odd word here and there, but plain to see the exact same predictions for both days. My hubby was laughing as I emailed the paper today...but I think they should be looking for another predictor!

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