Saturday, 12 January 2013

Bucket List for the young?

Whilst I was looking for Sunday School material online the other night, I came across this article about a Bucket List of 50 things to have done by the time you were 12. 

It got me thinking to how many of these things on this list would have been achieved by our different generations...Grandparents....Parents.....our Children?  And how each generation would have achieved some but not others.  For example I'm sure my Grandfather would never have played Geocahce (mind you neither would I!!) but he certainly skimmed a stone or dammed a stream.

But what actually are the chances of our Children in todays society being allowed to camp out in the wilds....go wild swimming?

Each generation comes along with some new oppurtunities but sadly loses some old oppurtunities along the way.......

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