Sunday 15 April 2007

Walk this way

We visited Almond Valley in Livingston today, it's a brilliant day out for kids with lots of different farm animals to see and many things to do. AJ has been desperate to hold a bird and has spent the past week stalking the bird visitors to our garden so we thought this would be a smart place to take her. Unfortunately they didn't seem to be allowing holding today and she had to be removed from the small animal area mid tantrum,so to cheer her up we took her to the tractor for a ride round the farm but the driver decided he was going for his tea...more tears! Luckily for us and everyone else within earshot(because she screams very loudly) she discovered the ducks and spent a good 10 minutes trying to catch their attention and by the looks of this picture she has succeeded because I think it looks like she is leading them in a march!

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