Tuesday 1 May 2007

Pure Genius!

My cousin is another one who sends me funny emails(had to take a picture of my favourite one because couldn't copy one individual picture from the email) This made me chuckle a lot when I first got it(not the joke..the email) and it again reminds me that sometimes the things that you think are going to be really hard could turn out to be quite easy. This has really hit home to me this past couple of weeks as my youngest AJ has had to start nursery and she and I have been dreading it. As mentioned in previous blogs AJ has been quite upset about the thought of nursery and has had to be dragged up to school every day kicking, screaming and protesting her disgust about the situation to anyone who will listen(and believe me a lot of people have had to listen because she screams very loudly!) I then had to get one of the teachers to physically remove her from me and then bid a hasty retreat while still listening to her protest...awful! I started to worry, they assured me she settled down quite quick and was having fun but I was still greeted when I picked her up with "you didn't stay with me!" how would I cope with this every day? But this week she has totally turned around and apart from a slight trembling of the lip as I leave her she is positively delighted to go and shouts on everyone in the playground as we go in she has even received her first party invitation! My baby is growing up!



Like the picture!! Enjoyed the post.

Alice said...

Thanks Rev