Sunday 25 February 2007

Mobile Blogging

I'm still not feeling well today and have spent most of the weekend in my bed, I even had to miss a night out with my friends last night and Church this morning. However as a mum of two young girls I'm not used to having so much "down time" so to say that I am enjoying myself just a little bit is spot on. I'm watching American Idol at the moment, hence the picture taken by my mobile as I'm lying in my bed and I'm blogging from my mobile clever am I? I still can't imagine how these contestants cope with being slated on national television..oh someone has just let some fireworks off...on a Sunday afternoon? I'm really grateful for my mobile phone this weekend as I have been able to keep up with everyone without having to keep getting up and answering the house phone, also I have been able to keep texting my husband to bring me cups of tea!!!which I have to say a big thank you because he does and he makes the best tea ever! Oh brill Diagnosis Murder is on...ttfn!

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