Friday 23 February 2007


I'm sitting here this afternoon feeling really sorry for myself because for the past few weeks I have been suffering from sciatica in my left leg. Unfortunately for me instead of improving any even though I have had loads of prescriptions from the Doc it's getting worse. So I duly went back to the Docs today and had my prescription upped again. Thankfully at the start of all of this I had the good sense to invest in a prepaid certificate from the chemist which cost me £31.50 and lasts for 4 months, if I hadn't my bill for my sore leg would so far have cost me £47.25! and its only been just over 3 weeks since this has all started. It's also meaning this week that there are certain things which I'm really struggling to do and I'm having to give these jobs to other people which is something I don't like to do....internet home shopping for my groceries, I am really particular about choosing my own fruit and veg, examining my eggs for cracks and impulse buying all the offers that supermarkets all seem to have on! My ever growing ironing pile which my lovely mum has offered to do for me, my mum will be laughing at me saying I miss doing my ironing but ever since she got me a brill stream generating iron for my Christmas I can't get enough of it!

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